Frequently Asked Questions

Can you illustrate specific tattoos, piercings, jewelry, etc.?

Yes, and I’d love to! In each illustration, I want to capture every little detail of a person, and that includes all the special details that make them who they are.

Do I need to have a photo of all the people/pets together for you to create an illustration?

Nope! I like to work off multiple reference photos for each person/pet to make sure I have a really, really good idea of what each of them look like. To see examples of the types of photos I need, click here.

Why would I want the digital files of my illustration?

The digital files are great for a number of reasons. First of all, it means you have a copy of your illustration forever that can never get lost or damaged as long as you keep the files backed up properly. The digital files also mean you can print as many copies of your illustration as you’d like. They’re also fun for posting on social media.

How can I get my illustration printed myself?

With every order that includes the “digital files” of the illustration, I’m happy to send along simple, easy-to-do printing instructions for how to get a great print at a local print shop. In the U.S., most prints can be created locally for just a few dollars and in just a few minutes at a local printing/shipping store.

Can I get changes made to my illustration made in the future? For example, adding a baby to our portrait, adding a pet, changing our clothes or hairstyles, etc.

Yes, and that’s why I love illustrating these portraits digitally! I hang onto the files for every illustration I create, and I can always go back in and add, take away, or change things in the future. Just send me a message/e-mail if you’d like to update your portrait in the future, and we can discuss prices for what you’re wanting, etc.

Do you take international orders?

Of course! Although Happy Bear Designs is now based in the U.S., I actually started this business while living abroad in Australia, so my international customers are very important to me. My whole process is exactly the same for international customers. The only difference is that I can’t ship internationally, so the only option for receiving your illustration is to choose the “digital files” option and get it printed locally if you’d like it printed. And I’m happy to assist you in any way possible to help you get the perfect print locally.

How do tweaks work?

With every illustration purchased, I allow tweaks for free until you decide that your illustration is 100% perfect for you. That means that you’ll receive your illustration proof, then you can request that I make minor changes. I’ll make those changes and send you back an updated proof. (The vast majority of illustrations only need 1 round of tweaks if any at all.) What’s a minor tweak? Examples: “can you make my eyes more blue?" “can my shirt be darker in color?” “can you make my cheekbones more pronounced?” And what’s not considered a minor tweak? The main thing is clothing. I can change aspects of clothing (change the color, make it a tighter fit, etc.), but if it would require me to completely start over (for example, changing from a knitted sweater to a strapless dress) then there would be an additional fee. But that’s why I ask about outfits in the form you’ll fill out before I start on your illustration, and I’d love to talk to you before I start your illustration if you’re unsure about outfits. We can talk about what would look best, be most flattering, etc.

Do you take on specialty projects? (ie. full wedding invitation suites, portraits for businesses, etc.)

Yep! Just send me an e-mail at to let me know what you have in mind.

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