Reference Photos

Straight-on face photos of each person/pet (these can be individual photos and don't have to be photos of the people/pets together) are best. Since I don’t create my illustrations based on only one photo, sending at least a few photos is best so I have a really good idea of what every person/pet looks like. It is important that the photos are from a straight-on angle since that’s how my illustrations show people/pets, and I want to make sure I get everything perfect for you (exact eye shapes, face shapes, etc.) They don’t need to be photos by a professional photographer - cell phone photos and selfies are totally fine!

Examples of good photos to send:

These photos show the people/pets looking straight-on towards the camera, are high quality photos, have good lighting that allows me to see colors accurately, and allow me to see all the detailed facial features of each person/pet that make them unique (eye shape, eyebrow shape, face shape, etc.)

Screen Shot 2019-04-03 at 7.51.04 PM.png

Things to avoid: sunglasses/hats (unless you’d like to be illustrated with them on), photos that cut off parts of the face (forehead, etc.), facial expressions that are not what the illustration will represent, faces tilted to the side/up/down (very important), unable to see markings on pets.